1. Planetary Yagya

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Planetary Yagya

Planetary Yagya is done to remove the harmful effects a planet is giving in a horoscope or to increase the positive impact of a particular planet. They are popularly called ‘Graha Kripa Yagya’ and ‘Graha Shanti Yagya’…

Both “Graha Kripa Yagya” and “Graha Shanti Yagya” are common names for planetary yagya. When a planetary Yagya is carried out to obtain Graha’s blessings, it is referred to as a “Graha Kripa Yagya,” and when it is organized to appease unfavorable grahas by offering them sacrifices, it is referred to as a “Graha Shanti Yagya.”

Since a Planetary Yagya is conducted in one manner or another to receive blessings from the Grahas, it is commonly referred to as a Yagya for Blessings of Graha or Graha Blessings Yagya.

Our team of astrologers determines which deity is to be worshipped for its blessing and which deity is to be appeased in this Yagya after researching your Vedic horoscope, depending on the specifics of your birth, or after considering the circumstances of your life.

The term “Graha” is sometimes roughly translated as planet, although this is incorrect because the Sun is a star, not a planet, the Moon is a satellite, not a planet, and Rahu and Ketu are just sensitive points, not planets, despite the fact that they are invariably categorized as “Grahas.”

According to Indian philosophy, there are nine planets, which are also known as NavGrahas in the old Sanskrit language. Planetary Yagyas are also sometimes referred to as Navagraha Puja Yagya or as Navagraha Yagya Puja.

Here, we want to make two things clear: first, a Planetary Yagya does not require that all nine planets be worshipped, despite the fact that this is occasionally advised; instead, depending on the specific combinations in your horoscope, only one or two planets may be worshipped in the “Graha Kripa Yagya” or “Graha Shanti Yagya” that is advised for you; and second, a Planetary Yagya is much more authentic, elaborate, effective and systematic, if compared to normal Navagraha Puja or Graha Pooja.
